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This page has MOVED!

The Glencore Workforce Onboarding System (commonly known as GWOS) home page has MOVED! 

The GWOS system is actually PIAGO's 'GO! Site Approved' enterprise induction, onboarding, training management and learning management system

The GWOS system has been moved to

Please update your bookmarks to this new page.

If you are a company that supplies people and/or equipment to the mining, construction and utilities sector - please check out our GO! Site Ready - Contractor Management Platform. 

More information below.

GSR Image

What is GO! Site Ready?

GO! Site Ready is a 100% cloud-based, easy to use platform for you to manage all of your workforce's personnel file, training profile, equipment and documentation. Store, report and communicate to external worksites during onboarding or booking.

Our software can be integrated with worksites already using GO! Site Approved (GSA), this includes any Glencore Coal Asset site in Australia.  Link your new GSR portal with your Glencore GSA Employer Admin account for additional benefits between the two system.

Within minutes, worksites using GO! Site Approved can approve your requests and have your employee onsite even sooner!

Wanna see some of the features?

Contact Our Team

Give us a call or send us an email for more information about any of our product suits. GO! Site Ready (GSR), GO! Site Learn (GSL) and GO! Site Approved (GSA). 

PIAGO Software includes automated project onboarding, integrated eLearning solutions & contractor workforce management software.

To register a call back to find out more, fill out the form below.

GO! Site Ready

Maximise your companies potential.  You've got the pieces, let's put them all together

Start the journey to maximising your people and equipment!

Fill out our form to request a call back 


Book in a discovery call HERE


Early Access